how to learn makeup for beginners

Learning Makeup Is A Process: Be Gentle With Yourself

So I’ve had this topic in mind for a while now

Many people desire to learn makeup. However makeup skills don’t grow overnight but are developed.

To effectively build your skills, it will take a while…yes

Purpose Of The Post
This post is aimed to inspire/encourage why you should just start practicing makeup before you know how!

It also aims to inspire you to stick to you practicing and don’t stop

Understand it’s a process and as you’ve started it’s the beginning of you developing your makeup skills.

Now as a beginner where do you begin in your learning process of makeup?
I list out some points to help out below:

A)Firstly, get to know your WHY, why do you want to learn makeup? Is it for personal purposes or to serve others (being a makeup artist)?

Answering this question will help you state your makeup goals clearly and help you stay put when it gets difficult in the journey.

B)Also, you Learn by APPLYING and not just consuming makeup videos.

I think we all have been guilty of scrolling and watching multiple videos on YouTube about things that interest us.

Well in this case from the numerous makeup YouTubers select 1 or 2 to stick to for a while. Practice their processes, and steps and learn their techniques.

By narrowing your choice to 2 beauty Youtubers you save time and avoid getting confused.

This is important because different makeup artist use different products.

C)Learn the different steps gradually and not all at once.

Makeup has different steps such as skin prep, skin work, eyebrows, eyeshadow and lips.

To avoid putting pressure on yourself, you can learn each step gradually.

For example you can begin with skin prep practice this multiple times so you get comfortable and once you feel confident to have grasped this step, you can now move on to the next.

D)Get the necessary makeup products and start PRACTICING.

I wish to say that you mustn’t buy every makeup products in a YouTube video.

The only way to learn and develop your skills is to practice, practice, practice.

Conclusively applying this tips will greatly help you learn makeup as a beginner.

Hope this was helpful.

I’ll be glad to hear from you on your progress in makeup


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